I help women start their self-love journey by discovering what they want out of life, remove what’s blocking them & how to confidently get it

Let's take action today by scheduling a 30-min strategy session with me below.


Download my free PDF to help you start the change you're looking for!

It is time to love yourself!


Confidence is something that's earned. It all starts with a positive attitude and building your confidence from there. I will show you how to be confident daily!


If you're not happy with your life so far, it's time to make a change. Finding that balance between work and play can be tough; luckily we help you fill in any gaps or adjustments!


Your success is our priority, and we'll do whatever it takes

a to help you achieve your personal and professional milestones.


We can help you find your purpose in life and achieve it.

Our Program

Our program is a lifeline for women who need help to get from where they are, to the place that's right for them.

A Team of Certified Life Experts

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Foods That Can Boost Your Metabolism

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Start Taking Charge of Your Life

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About Me

I started with my own transformation in 2015! I took the passion I had used to turn my life into the healthy version I had always dreamed of and decided it was my duty to share that process with others. I knew I needed to provide the hope for others to fulfill that healthy version of themselves too. Transforming women is my passion!


Brooke Stokes


How I became more self-confident

I am on a mission to get you stoked about living a healthier lifestyle :) I will be posting health tips, workouts, recipes and some motivation!


Years of Experience





"Dude said something about me having a "fat ass" etc...I honestly just felt for him, and the example he was setting for everyone else in his car. Probably totally emotionally, wounded himself.

And, yes, totally cool process! And, honestly, Brooke I could not have come this far without your guidance, experience, and help!. Youu have been such an amazing coach, and I continue to learn and grow from you!"

Kristin Speleos

"When I first reached out to Brooke I knew that she was going to help me with my fitness and nutrition. What I did not know was that she was going to not only get me into great shape physically, but mentally as well. Brooke helped me form healthy everyday habits for my mind, body, and soul. I had no idea that my self-talk was going to be so vital through this whole process and she showed me that the way I speak to myself, the way I speak to the world, and the words I choose are so important to not just my fitness success, but my everyday success. We run through this life in a rush all the time without really thinking twice about our day to day and how we are taking care of ourselves, Brooke helped me build the tools to remember and understand that I need to feed my body and soul. I should be walking up and not looking at my phone, but looking at the day and how I am going to conquer it in the best way possible. She will treat you like family and be with you every step of the way. I highly encourage anyone to work with Brooke, you will absolutely become the best version of yourself in her program."


Brooke Stokes
